路佳於1984 年開始生產車牌及為分銷商提供車牌原料,累旗超過35年製作車牌的經驗,是香港生產車牌歷史最悠久的製造商之一。我們非常榮幸地曾經為多間車行,香港機電署生產車牌。而誕生於1986年的 Bat Plate,至今亦常見於道路上。當中Bat Plate 的產品更遍及中、港、澳各地,在不少電影中亦不難看到我們產品的存在。我們抱著服務廣大市民及為為廣大市民謀福祉,於35年來致力保持生產水準,堅持使用優質的原料製作,確保附合BS AU 145a 英國反光標準的物料,而負責生產車牌的技術人員大多都擁有超過十年的生產經險,力求將優質的產品提供給尊貴的您。最後我們来心感謝多年來廣大容戶的支持及鼓勵,未來我們自強不息,精益求精。
STMHK has been produced car number plates since 1984 and was the largest and oldest supplier of car Number plate in Hong Kong. It has had been our great pleasure to provide numberplates to many motor companies such as Crown Motors Ltd Our product line. Another product line, Bat Plate which was borned in 1986 is a well-known brand in Hong Kong and Macau. Our aim is to provide quality products with competitive price to customers. We are maintaing high standard of our products and are insisting to purchase
quality raw-materials such as 3M which are qulified by the British Standard BS AU 145a We have well-trained and sophicated staffs who are ready to provide professional warm
advices for you. We will try our best to perfect ourself in the future and thank you so much for giving us the opputunity to serve you.
【車牌號碼】香港車牌是如何組成的?—— 港識多史|香港歷史社會研究社
快閃香港:車牌號碼——RTHK(RTHK 1983年介紹本港新的車牌法例)
STMHK 路佳安全
香港元朗宏業東街18號宏業工貿中心 2樓E室 Blk.E 2/F., Wang Yip Ctr., 18 Wang Yip St E , Yuen Long, N.T.
Whatsapp: 91221697 Email:sales@stmhk.com Tel: 24742996 Fax: 24757885